
20時からのパブリックセールは 一人1回mint。 1回のmintで3枚まで!

One mint per public mint opportunity. Up to 3 cards per mint!


↓↓↓↓↓nokke's mint site!!↓↓↓↓↓↓


↑↑↑↑↑nokke's mint site!!↑↑↑↑↑

2022/9/22 20:00に実施されたパブリックセールは開始1分で完売しました!ありがとうございました。

The public sale that took place on 9/22/2022 at 8:00pm sold out within the first minute! Thank you very much.


トークンID0000~1110の総数 1,111枚の「nokke」画像が分かる一覧です!


WL 一人1回mint。 1回のmintで2枚まで!

【English Translation(with  https://www.deepl.com )】

Here is a list of 1,111 "nokke" images with token IDs from 0000 to 1110!
The actual NFT image metadata does not include "#0000".

This list was released just before the presale as part of a countermeasure against the Japanese Gambling Law.
The appearance rate of each component has been kept as even as possible to avoid the appearance of extremely high numerical rarity pieces!

The management members have already minted from 0000 to 0002.
We guarantee that they will be minted in order from 0003.
One mint per WL mint opportunity. Up to 2 cards per mint!